Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Holiday time often means putting up decorations and family returning home. Take advantage of the following tips to declutter and make your home holiday-ready.

*Make room for décor and guests
Don’t just add holiday décor, exchange non-seasonal items for holiday ones. Start with small areas at a time, focus on what items you use regularly and make them accessible.  The other belongings may not need to be around at all. Don't put them back out in January if you can live without them. If you need to clear out the guest room, you may find you don’t really need all that stuff the rest of the year either. Give yourself permission to let go. Closet space could make guests feel welcome instead of holding clothes you haven’t worn in years.
*Start new traditions of giving excess items not just cash to charities
Items you don’t need anymore can still help others instead of taking up your space or being thrown away. Clothing, tools, books and housewares in usable condition can be donated to charities and routed to those in need. You still get the tax deduction and also open up space in your home. The extra coats you don’t need could really help someone else this winter.
*Distribute stored family items
All those items you have been keeping for the kids can finally be picked up or cleared. Family may not make a special trip to collect their childhood memorabilia, but if they really want it, they can take it home after their holiday visit. With this deadline, you will discover how much they really wanted those items and release yourself from the obligation.
*Pass on the old traditions
If you are not doing the decorating or cooking that you used to do but don’t want the traditions lost, give the meaningful decorations or cookware to the next generation now. This way you can make sure the stories behind the traditions are remembered for years to come. Know that the grand children will see the important heirlooms that have been in storage if you pass them on now.
*Gift the Inheritance 
Rather than fight the crowds to purchase items family may or may not like, give the items you are planning on leaving as inheritance. This way, recipients can express their appreciation while you are here to receive it, and you can be assured the right people get what you want them to have. Sentimental memories and traditions are highlighted at this time of year so you add new meanings to old memorabilia.

My goal is to help clients and their families deal with a lifetime of accumulation when making changes in living arrangements.

Happy Holidays,


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